Using powerful, data-driven analytics & strategies to improve performance for global financial institutions in Consumer Banking, Credit Cards & Payments
A revenue enhancement and profitability analytics reporting platform for financial institutions.
A revenue enhancement and profitability analytics reporting platform to identify and deliver better financial performance.
PROFIT INSIGHT originally developed PI3 as an in-house platform to rapidly identify revenue, cost savings and campaign tracking opportunities as part of our earnings enhancement engagements. We began offering PI3 to our clients when they expressed interest in gaining the same visibility into transaction level data and analytics in a useful and easy-to-manage platform.
We also developed new functionality in the areas of issuer and acquirer account level profitability, payment network optimization and benchmarking.
PI3 uses account level transaction data and snapshots joined in a single platform to enable all business users to easily access data from desktops via tools such as Excel, Power BI, Tableau, MicroStrategy and SaS to optimize earnings performance.
PI3 provides access and insight into your data so you can make quicker, smarter and more profitable decisions.
Are you confident you are leveraging your transaction data efficiently and effectively? Using analytical, data-based decisions can dramatically impact your bottom line.
That is why the payments and data analytics experts at PROFIT INSIGHT developed PI3, a data analytics platform, to interpret and organize large amounts of card transaction data into powerful data modeling tools accessed by novices, power-users, managers and analysts alike.
Working closely with our clients and helping them interpret their data, we can make predictions to determine future spend activity, trends and consumer behavior. With greater insight into your customer’s preferences and spending habits, business managers can plan strategies and track campaigns with more confidence and far greater precision. As the data in PI3 refreshes, it creates efficiencies eliminating repetitive tasks and providing timely automated reporting, enabling you to stay on top of customer trends.
Managing your data and results is easy with prebuilt, co-developed or defined analytic views and financial reports such as this 12-month multi-portfolio Profit & Loss segmented by month, revolvers/transactors, account behavioral score, brand and product.
Delving deeper to better understand profitability within a portfolio is also possible by focusing on a specific month and portfolio from the previous 12-month Profit & Loss financial report. This example shows a Mastercard Classic portfolio’s 49K accounts split between profitable and unprofitable accounts with one simple change in the report view.
With PI3, your product management team can utilize credit line management tools to access and detect trends impacting profitability down to the individual account level. For example, using data related to pinpoint marginal customer pools, credit increase decisioning can be filtered by behavior scores, card usage, profitability and other factors.
Your product management team can gain maximum granularity and visibility into their portfolios and significantly improve insight into income drivers, historic behavior scores, card activity, credit limit usage and more. This information can provide bank branch level insights to assist local banking teams interacting directly with their customers.